If the Resourcing Mode is set to Scheduling for your Login Group, the upper pane will be visible if Show Scheduling Requests is ticked on the search filter. It shows role assignments on tasks that have not yet been assigned to resources. The Scheduling Requests can be grouped by project instead of role by ticking Group By Project.
The Resources pane lists resources by project and the assignment they are scheduled against.
At the Roles/Projects pane:
•drag the time shown to move it to a different period
•click a role assignment to alter its details. Here you can assign an actual resource rather than a role. This will fulfill the scheduling request and the assignment can now be seen against the resource in the lower Resources pane.
•click … against any role assignment and then:
o Show Available Project Resources so that the Resources pane only lists those resources already assigned to the project
o Show Available Resources to list all resources that match filter settings.
At the Resources pane:
•click … against a resource and then:
o Create a New Assignment.
o Show Resource Details to see full details of the selected one.
•drag a project or one of its tasks to another resource to reassign it, either at the resource list or table of values. An error message will appear if conflicts result and prevent the move. Task assignments can only be moved if the assignment period restriction is not fixed to the task dates.
•click a task name to edit the assignment, including changing the assigned resource.
•double click any cell against a resource line to open a panel that shows assignment details for the selected resource in the selected period:
o if the resource has more than one assignment in the period these can be viewed using the arrows
o select a different period or different resource to refresh the data
o the panel remains open until closed by the user