The project and forecast you are processing are shown.
If you are editing a supply line for named resource demand, the Resource, Department and Role are already selected but you can change them to reassign the supply. When adding supply, you will specify a Resource within their Department and Role. The auto-fill option allows you to prefill supply based on the resource’s remaining availability, or outstanding demand (whichever is lower). You can also click Search to find a suitable resource to meet the demand.
Separate rows are shown for:
•Outstanding Demand, where supply still needs to be allocated. Click if displayed, to view posts against it
•This Supply, which is time allocated at a high level (days per week) for the current resource. Enter or alter values to set supply for the project to meet the demand.
•Other Supply is time allocated to other resources
•Assignments is time allocated to specific tasks on particular days
•Total Planned is supply and assignments from all resources
•Capacity is the total time that selected resources have available prior to any assignments
•Remaining is Capacity – Total Planned and will be negative if time is over-allocated.
Each supply row shows:
•ETC (estimate to complete) is the total effort and cost planned from the first open period until the end of the project.
•EAC (estimate at complete) is the total effort and cost covering known actuals and future planned values.
•<< is the total supply for prior periods
•Periods are the selected weeks and months, where you can enter or change time to record what is to be supplied by the chosen resource in their indicated role. These figures can also be updated using the Edit Supply Tool and the Adjust Tool.
•>> is the total supply for future periods.
When you save your input, all sub-totals and totals are updated. You can click Save and Add to save details and then supply another resource, providing the demand line does not contain a named resource.