When you choose to add an entry or to amend or view an existing entry, a screen appears:
Resource |
Enter or search for the resource incurring the expenses. |
Date |
For a new entry, this defaults to the current date or a previous selection. You can amend this to another valid date. |
Project |
When adding an expense, the project shown initially is that set through Own Resource Defaults for your normal resource or is the default project for a selected resource. |
Select a project from the drop-down list. This only shows those that your login allows you to access. If the required project is not listed, click Add Projects to find and select others that the resource can work on. |
Expense Type |
Each resource may have a default expense type and, if so, this is shown here. Others are available from the drop-down list so that you can record different expenses. |
Currency |
If you have a multi-currency operation, each expense type will indicate the currency in which the cost is incurred. You can select a different currency here for every expense entry. |
Reimbursable |
This setting defaults from the Expense Type but can be changed for individual expenses. Only expenses flagged as reimbursable can be included in an expense claim unless the submission of non-reimbursable expenses is permitted through Time & Expense Settings. |
Units |
The selected expense type may specify that expenses are to be input as units (number of miles, photocopies, etc.) rather than values. In this case, the unit cost rate is shown and you will enter the number of units to be recorded against the project. |
Cost/Charge Values |
You will always see the cost values for the expense but, depending on your login profile, you may: •see no charge values at all •see the charge values but not change them •override the calculated charge •see and amend the net and VAT values in addition to the gross cost. If not, input is simplified since you can only enter gross amounts. If you enter a number of units, the system will apply the cost per unit to calculate the gross or net value and will use the system VAT rate to determine the VAT element. In other cases you must input the gross or net amount. You may be able to change the VAT rate if, for example, this is an internal project with no VAT. A different VAT rate may apply to each expense entry. If you alter any element of cost the other affected value is recalculated and displayed. |
Where charge values apply, your System Administrator may have specified that the rate to charge is determined as a mark-up on the cost price, set as a multiple for the expense type. The charge values may therefore be calculated from the cost amounts. If you change any cost elements the charge values are recalculated. You can override either charge value and the other one is recalculated. However, altering charge values does not affect the cost amounts. |
Chargeable |
When charge information appears, this setting defaults to that for the project. You may be able to check or uncheck the box to either indicate that the expense is not to be charged to a chargeable project, or to force a charge to a non-chargeable project. Charge values are cleared or displayed depending on this selection. |
Notes |
You will only see this item if the input of notes is specified on your login profile. If so, enter multiple lines of text to provide any relevant comments, reminder or description for the entry. These notes can be included in reports. |
Receipt |
This entry only appears if the Expense Type specifies that expense receipts can be attached. If so, click |
Entry screen stays open after save |
Set this check box on if you are adding, but not amending, a series of entries with similar details. In this case, after saving, the units and values are cleared and a further entry prompted with all other details remaining the same. However, you can change any of this information if, for example, the expense covers a different type for the same project. Using this feature allows faster input of data. You only need to exit the screen on completion of input or to select a different resource or other setting. |
When you complete and save the entries, any errors are shown and you must correct them and save again.
As entries are saved, they are added to the list of expenses (provided they match any filter settings). The totals are updated automatically.