The product offers the ability to submit and manage expense claims for the purpose of expense reimbursement.
NOTE: •many users will have the ability, through their login profile, to submit their own expense claims and possibly those for other resources •managers will be allowed, by login profile settings, to edit and accept submitted expenses for their staff •accounts personnel will have a login that permits them to pay accepted expense claims to all or selected resources. These settings will therefore determine each login’s role and the stage of processing they undertake. |
When you select the Claims tab, a search screen appears with a list of existing claims (refer to Searching and Filters for information on changing the filters):
Your login and login profile will determine what you can do here.
Click Add to submit a claim (not available from My Work Approvals)
For a listed claim, click:
•Resource name to amend the record.
• then:
o Open to access a claim.
o Accept or Reject for a submitted claim that is not accepted yet. In these cases the ‘Acceptance’ column is blank.
o Undo Accept/ Reject to reverse the previous action.
o Pay or Refuse for accepted claims that are not yet paid.
o Undo Payment/ Refusal to reverse the previous action.
o Delete to delete a claim that is not accepted. All its selected expense entries are then available for inclusion in another claim.