The screen lists expenses for all dates, resources, projects and types. Change the filter settings (described in the Using the Product Guide) to alter the content.
For multi-currency operations, cost and charge totals are shown in the local currency, providing that the same currency applies to all entries. When there is a mixture of currencies, ‘N/A’ appears instead.
For each listed entry, click:
• then:
o Open to access the expense entry. You cannot change any data if the expenses are approved.
o Delete to clear the entry.
• to select a record for processing.
•Resource or Project name to view relevant records.
Also click:
•Add to create an expense entry.
•Claim to create a claim for specific expenses. These may be:
o Claim Selected after selecting one or more entries, to include all those entries
o Claim All Pages to include all entries on every page resulting from the current filter
•Approve, Unapprove, Disapprove to change the status of selected entries — the Approved column shows Yes, space or No respectively. In each case, enter a reference (defaults to your login) and, when disapproving, the reason for doing this.
•Export creates an Excel file for the displayed expenses.