Use this view to analyze resource capacity, by role and department, against demand for included projects. Variance and utilization values are color-coded (click to view) so you can see the extent of utilization.
Click Capacity and Demand against individual roles for a detailed breakdown by project or resource. You can then click individual project or resource names to amend details. The Demand detailed breakdown allows you to rapidly remodel the scenario by including or excluding projects directly from that view, as well as changing the start date for projects not yet started.
Change displayed data through filter settings:
•Start Date/Periods default to portfolio settings and cannot be altered outside those dates
•Effort can be shown as days, hours or full time equivalents of days
•Departments/Roles determine the available capacity
•Show to see either % utilization of capacity or variance against demand
•Capacity/Live Projects not in Portfolio/Demand to include capacity and demand by period and to include all live projects for a full picture of supply and demand or only those in the portfolio
•Show Roles with Demand can be checked to reduce the number of roles listed by only showing those where there is demand within the project forecasts.
Click Update Results to change the display.