This tab only appears for a chart widget and, when selected, the Preview panel will indicate the minimum input required to create the chart.
•Type determines the type of chart, which can be selected from the list. Information you subsequently input will vary depending on the type of chart selected. Refer to Chart Types for a description of each one.
•X-axis identifies the field to display on the horizontal axis of the chart; those available are as previously selected for display.
•Y-axis applies for only certain chart types and identifies the field to display on the vertical axis.
•Plot by is for Bubble chart types only and causes a separate bubble to be displayed for each value for the selected field.
•Bubble Size determines the diameter of the bubble for Bubble charts based on the data in this field.
•Associated Color identifies a field that contains system colors, which will be used for the colors of the various bubbles.
•Group by can optionally be used to group various fields by selecting them from the drop-down list; these can form different areas of the chart, separate lines, different elements of a stacked bar or slices of a pie chart.
•Values sets the fields for which values are to be shown on the Y-axis (vertical) of the chart. Depending on the chart type, one or more values may be selected and, if several, are created as ‘cards’ and listed. For each one, drag the entries up and down the list to change their display order or click the name to edit details:
o Field can be changed to a different field to obtain the value for the X-axis
o Display as Chart Type enables a different chart type to be selected for this field so that it can be overlaid on the main type. For example, you may have a stacked bar chart but show this value in the form of a line chart that is overlaid on the bars. This is only possible for certain chart types.
o Display null as zero/Do not plot zero values apply only for line charts and, if checked, cause invalid values to be treated as zero and not shown on the chart.
o Heading Group specifies the name (either an existing one or one you create by typing an unused name) that is to appear for several grouped chart elements.
Click Apply to update any changes.
For each listed card, click to remove the field from the list.
•Drilldown allows more details to be displayed for selected elements of the chart. Choose one or more from the list and these will be highlighted as blue links in the chart. When you click an element, data will be displayed at a detailed level with the colors specified at the higher level carried through to the detailed level.
•Show Empty Categories will, if checked, ensure all data elements are shown at the drilldown level, even if they contain no data. Only those with data will be shown if the selection is unchecked.
•Colors can only be changed if not system-generated for categories. Select a color from the color swatch or enter an RGB code to define it. You can change the color swatch by selecting from the standard palette below it or the palette alongside.
•Enter a Value Axis Label is a description of the values being displayed.
•Display Value Marker Labels is checked if you want to show the value against each point on the chart (for example, to show the number of hours each point represents).
•Display Grid Lines will, if checked, show horizontal and vertical lines at the various value markers.
•Plot as Percentage applies to a Stacked Bar Chart type (either vertical or horizontal) and causes each portion of a stacked bar to be shown as a percentage of the total bar rather than actual values.
•Display as 3D is available for bar and pie charts, giving them a 3D appearance if checked.
Pie chart labels shown as % or value
- To display labels on a Pie chart, select the Display Value Marker Labels tick box. To switch the label between percentage and value either select or deselect the Plot As Percentage tick box. See 'Pie Chart Labels Displayed as % or Value' section for more details.