Select one or more filters that are used to determine the data to be included. Choose from the drop-down list (first entering initial characters of the field name to focus on relevant entries if a long list) and then edit the filter:
Select the operator to apply and the value to be matched against. Entries will depend on the data type of the field. For example, a Boolean entry must be equal or not equal to Yes or No, a Text field can be matched to input characters and a date requires the selection of a specific date or you can press #Fn# to match against a value that will vary depending on when the report is run; for example, the current date or one relevant to the current screen.
When available, check Filter on total if matching against the contents of a summary line resulting from Group Rows by selections. You can, for example, include a total that exceeds a specified value.
Advanced Filter applies for more complex reporting requirements by prioritizing the filter conditions. Enter the numbers shown against the filters and separate them by AND/OR operators. The default is ‘and’ so that all conditions have to apply but you can enter a combination so that either or all apply. You can use brackets to group them as required so that, for example, the first two filters are true and either of the third and fourth ones.