You can select a number of fields and indicate that records are only to be included in the report if they have particular content. For example, you may want to report only certain clients or to see values that have been recorded between particular dates. These entries set the selection parameters when processing the report and so values may be changed by users.
For each selected field:
•select the operator that determines how data is to be matched (such as equal, not equal or contained somewhere in the field)
•click to identify a particular field value to match against (such as a project code or line manager). If the selected field is a Custom Field, you can select from a list of keywords that are set for it. The selected keyword is then shown as the default.
•click if matching against a value that might vary, such as a date or a code being processed. Those available are listed so you can select one:
•check Filter on Total if matching is to be against the contents of a summary line resulting from selections at the Grouping tab rather than to an individual record’s contents. You may, for example, want to include a total when it exceeds a specified value, such as recorded hours being more than the normal working week.
•check Required if the field has to be present for the record to be included in the report
•check Hidden if the field is not displayed among the selection parameters when processing the report, ensuring that the setting is not changed by the user.
•check Save for a field that is not hidden so that users can change the selection parameter content. In this case, any changes made are saved and so will appear when the report is next processed.
•select an Include value, which will be:
o Always if a value has to be provided for the parameter in order for results to be obtained. If not, there is no match.
o Yes if a default parameter value is normally used. However, users can disable the selection so that any values are treated as a match.
o No is the opposite of Yes in that all values are normally matched when there is no parameter input. The user may specify a value to match only to particular records.
All these selections have an (Unless Context) version. These only have effect if processing as a context report. If so:
o Always and Yes ignore the parameter value
o No uses the default parameter value.
•enter a Name to identify the filter field within the report parameters.
Click the arrow buttons to change the relative position of the matched fields.
Advanced Filtering is available if there are more complex reporting requirements. Here you can enter the numbers shown against the parameters you want to filter by, separating them by AND/OR and using brackets to group them as required. Thus, you may want the first two filters to be true and either of the third or fourth ones.