You can run reports from the search list, after adding or amending a report or by selecting a ‘favorite’ that is listed within the Reports section of the Favorites list. Output will then depend on whether a report or a chart type.
Depending on the report definition, you may be prompted to enter one or more parameter values. This allows reports to be defined where the selection criteria can be specified by the end user.
Each report initially has a default filter that stores the parameter settings and you can add others to customize the way the report is produced. You can then choose:
•an available filter from the drop-down list and undertake a search
•Edit Filter, for all but the default filter, to alter the settings
•Delete Filter to clear the current filter (except for the default one) if it is no longer needed; you must confirm this action
•New Filter to add a filter.
The purpose of these filters is so that you can have several versions of the report with different parameter settings (changed title, altered date selections). Refer to Adding and Editing a Report Filter for a description of the allowed input.
Various selection parameters may be available and are processed in different ways:
•text fields, such as the report title, can be input
•individual dates or date ranges may apply and you can select other dates or click Select to access the calendar
•in some cases, multiple selections are allowed. If so, an Add button is available so you can select the required records and add them to the list. Click Remove to clear any that are not needed.
•check boxes may determine what is included in the report
•particular fields may be listed for inclusion, with selected ones highlighted. Choose those you require to see.
•the method of outputting the report may be fixed or may be user-selectable. In the latter case, you may be able to choose:
o Report to display the report results before print or export
o PDF, Excel or XML to output in the appropriate format so that you can access the data with a relevant application.