From the Reports item on the left menu, a sub menu item PowerPoint Templates is available. Select this item to navigate to the search screen for the templates.
The PowerPoint template search screen appears like other search screens and allows filters to be applied to restrict the items displayed.
Press the + Add button to add a new PowerPoint template.
This displays the Add PowerPoint template form.
- Name to identify the report on screen.
- Active to set the report to inactive (it will then not be visible to users).
- PowerPoint File selects the file name of the PowerPoint template to be used for your report.
- Project Levels selects which level/s of the Projects dashboard the report is available on.
- Login Groups to select which login group/s the report is available to.
Slide Limits
There is a limit of 10 slides per pptx Template file. This may result in more slides when the PowerPoint report is generated due to repeating slides. The limit on these is 50.