An IFrame widget type is available, allowing the embedding of external web sites within a KeyedIn dashboard (My Work, Projects or Custom Dashboards). For example to show output generated in a Business Information tool.
Note: Many websites do not allow themselves to be embedded within IFrames of other sites. This is outside of the control of KeyedIn.
The IFrame widget is not available by default, it requires switching on in Configuration > General Settings.
Once the IFrame widget functionality has been enabled, an IFrame widget can be added to a dashboard.
This is done in the same way as any other widget is added, by navigating to the dashboard and selecting the Configure Current View option.
The Add Widget form has a menu item called IFrame Widget, expanding this shows the IFrame Widget item, click on the Add button to add the widget to your dashboard.
You have an unconfigured IFrame widget on your dashboard, drag the widget to the required location and resize accordingly then save the dashboard.
The widget can be configured by clicking on the cog icon.
Title is a required field and is the title of the widget displayed at the top of the widget when displayed on the dashboard.
URL is a required field and is the address of the website you wish to display in the IFrame. This can include parameters and the #CONTEXT-PROJECTCODE# token.
Height is the height of the widget on the dashboard in pixels.