An unconfigured view has a single, outlined blank area with a button to add content. Above this area are various actions:
•names of the available views. Click one to select it for configuration.
• to define the view as a single area (the default) or several areas in various patterns:
Select the layout that best suits the number and characteristics of the widgets to be included in the view.
• to save the changes and make the view available for use. Failing to do this before exiting the option will lose your changes.
Once a widget is saved, you can click:
o to configure it by setting or altering the filter for a standard widget, or by making additional changes for enhanced data and chart widgets; for an unconfigured widget, this action is available when not in edit mode
o to access the widget full screen
o to open the widget and list the records found by the filter
o to close the widget and hide the list of records
o for certain widgets only, to refresh the list to show the latest data.
• to cancel any unsaved changes.
If you have any queries, please report these to your KeyedIn administrator in order to raise a ticket in the Zendesk Customer Portal.