Databox allows the set up of databoxes of different types:
•Databox Count displays the number of records returned by a search filter
•Databox Sum shows the total value of a selected field for records returned by a search filter.
After selecting a databox type, you must configure it:
•Name of the databox
•Type — select from the list the type of data to be covered
•Filter — determine the search filter to use by selecting or adding one
•Background determines the background color for the databox depending on the value displayed. You can set a series of colors that apply to particular value ranges so the status of the displayed data is readily apparent.
The aim of each databox is to provide an overview of a situation at a particular time:
You can click on a databox to view the data it represents (such as individual timesheets or deliverables).
Databoxes are pre-filtered based on the area of the system where they are deployed. Databoxes added to a Projects view are pre-filtered by the current selected project. On My Work they are pre-filtered by the individual and on the Insights view by the projects returned by the project filter.