Many selections cause an input form to be displayed so that you can enter or change information:
NOTE: If you actually edit the record and save your changes, the other user cannot also save any changes. A warning message appears if they try to do so. |
An input screen will have a number of items and you will normally process these in series, entering data to each one as required. You can select an item by:
•clicking on it using the mouse or
•pressing Tab to move through the items in a downward direction (or left to right), or Shift and Tab to move upwards and backwards.
Individual items may show:
• if input is mandatory. You cannot save changes to a screen if such a field is blank.
• if information about the item is available. Move your mouse cursor over the icon to view this information.
Input items may be of different types:
•text boxes, where you can type in text or numbers in a required format:
•drop-down lists, where available entries are displayed for selection. Such a list is signified by a down arrow to the right of the box:
You can view the list by clicking on the arrow and can then select from the list, or by moving to the box and pressing Alt and ↓. Then press ↓ and ↑ to move through the list and Enter to select.
•reference data for business entities such as projects and resources.
To include the relevant record, either:
o if auto-search is turned on through Display Settings, enter the first characters of the description or code to return all matches; you can then click to select one
o click to process a search to find the required record
o if a required record is not available and providing you have the necessary permission, click to create it. This displays the appropriate form and returns to the list when you save the new record.
•check boxes that can only have an on or off setting. This type of input is normally used to provide a yes or no response, with a check symbol shown in the box to indicate a yes or on setting:
Click the box to turn it on or off, or press the spacebar to change the yes or no setting.
•option boxes which provide two or more alternative options and where only one selection is permitted:
Click on a required option to select it — this deselects any existing option.
•pick lists that may contain multiple records for selection, in a similar way to drop-down lists:
Check the individual records you want to use or check the box at the top of the list to choose all records. Then click the Select button.
•dates and times, where you can:
o type in the required values with separators
o click to display a calendar:
Use the arrow buttons to display previous or next months and years and then click the required date.