Some records have forms that are used to enter additional information that is not otherwise available within the product. There may be several of these forms and their titles will depend on the section specified for their content. Additionally, custom fields may be added to standard input forms and will appear after the normal input at each form.
Before this information can be entered, the different types and the possible input for each must be specified. Separate custom fields can be set up for various record types.
You can use custom fields to enter any information that you require; for example:
•specific categories for clients, such as market sectors or types of business
•data about contacts, such as whether they are decision makers or the value of their purchasing budget
•supplementary details to be recorded for different types of actions.
When you select a custom field from for any record, the required input is listed:
Each field will have a label that identifies its use. The type of input will depend on the custom field definition — there may be a range of possible entries that you will select from a drop-down list, or input of text, numbers or dates may be needed.
Certain fields have mandatory input. An error message appears if you try to save the record with mandatory input omitted.
Some custom fields will return a list of values so that you can select one. In other cases, you can input a required value and add it to the list for future use. Certain custom fields may allow an external document to be stored in the product database. In these cases, you will initially need to upload the file into the database and give it a name:
Indicate of the document is to be treated as a draft or published version. Check the ‘Keep Document Checked Out’ box to prevent users editing the document. If checked, the document is checked out to a user so that they can edit it while others can only view the document.
Once such a document exists, you can click its name to view details:
•Check Out to access the document in order to edit it. You can then choose to open or save it. The document is marked as checked out to you and other users can then only view it.
•Check In after editing the document, to return it to the database so it is available to others in its amended form.
•Undo Check Out to make the document available again without saving any changes.
•Download to take a copy of the document.
•Delete All Versions removes the document from the database.
•Close when done.
You can also click the Version History tab to see all previous versions of the document.