Each project type will have at least a General tab and certain mandatory standard and custom fields will be displayed within it for a new project type. Click to add a further tab and then enter details for it:
Enter a name for the tab and indicate the login groups that can see then tab but not change its data. For each existing tab, click then Edit to alter these details and Delete to remove a tab (except the General one).
Each new tab will have a single default section with no fields initially. Click Add Section to create a further named section and Add Field to add a further field to a section.
Click against a section heading and then Edit to change its title, Delete to clear the section and all its fields or Add Field to select a field for the section:
•Section cannot be changed
•Field is selected from those available for the project, either standard or custom fields
•Visible is checked if the field can be seen by the user, otherwise is unchecked. You may wish a field to be visible at certain workflow statuses but not at others, so can change the setting accordingly.
•Read Only is unchecked if a user can alter the value of the field, otherwise is checked. For custom fields, this entry defaults to the value set there.
•Required determines if a mandatory field and cannot be changed
•Default Value can be selected from available values for the field. For custom fields, this entry defaults to the value set there.
Click against a field and then Edit to change the above details or Delete to clear the field from the section. You can also click on any section heading or field name and drag it to any other position within the tab. Similarly, drag a tab heading to change its position.
Click Save and Close once each tab has the content, layout and position you require.