Entity |
identifies the type of record to which the custom field applies and cannot be changed. |
Section |
is a means of grouping custom fields by type. You can select a section from the drop-down list or enter a section name and click Add to List so that it can be selected for other custom fields. The section determines where the custom field appears when processing a record of the type selected at the list. If it is a standard section, it will match an existing tab (such as General or Account for a project) and so will be included there. If it is a specially created section, a tab will be added with a matching name and all custom fields with the same section name will appear there. Check ‘All Sections’ if the custom field is to be included with all sections and so may appear on several tabbed forms. |
Group |
is also used to organize related custom fields. You can enter as many group descriptions as you require and all custom fields with the same one will appear together. |
Name |
identifies the custom field and appears as the screen label when the field is displayed for input or selection. You should therefore ensure that the name clearly indicates the use and content of the custom field. |
Data Type |
defines the type of input that is expected against the custom field. This will depend on the nature of the field and what you want to record. Once you choose a data type and save the record, you cannot then change to a different type. Values may be already recorded in the original format. A drop-down list of available data types is provided. These have the following characteristics: |
Activity |
list those that are available so that the appropriate one can be selected. These records are set up separately though Administration views. |
Boolean |
allows a Yes or No response only. |
Date |
must be entered as a recognizable date and will be converted to a standard format. Thus, for example: |
1-1-08 |
will become 1-Jan-2008 |
Document |
identifies a document that is to be loaded into the database. Only one person can edit such a document at any time. Any changes to the original file will not affect the version in the database. This differs to normal attachments, which are linked and therefore remain external.
Dynamic Keywords |
also allows a range of input values. However, the range is not fixed and users can delete values (if not in use) and can add others. The changed list then appears here. |
treats the input as an email address. Thus, clicking on the entry loads your default email application and starts a new message with the address as the recipient. |
Existing Values |
stores values as they are entered for the corresponding record so that they can be selected for future input. You can therefore build up a list of available values as you process data. |
File Reference |
provides the location and name of a data file or document stored on disk. You should therefore be able to click the reference to load the file so that you can access it. |
Float |
is a numeric field with a floating decimal point. |
Formatted Text |
allows the input of text with attributes such as bold, underlined and bullet points. When data of this type is input, a formatting toolbar will be available. |
Integer |
whole numbers only. |
Keywords |
provides a fixed range of input that you will specify . |
Long Text |
allows an unlimited number of free-format characters up to the maximum you set for the record. |
Number List |
provides a fixed range of valid numbers that you will specify . |
Short Text |
free-format input with up to 70 characters unless a lower maximum length is set. |
Text |
free-format input with up to 250 characters unless a lower maximum length is set. |
is a ‘uniform resource locator’ address and normally provides a link to a website (although it can be any location). Clicking the entry will therefore connect to the website or other location. |
Mode |
appears if the Data Type is one of the business entity entries. If so, you can determine how available selections are to be made available. Choose: § Pick List if there are likely to be a lot of records, so that the correct one can be identified by entering matching details § Drop-Down List if the number of entries will be relatively few, so that all can be listed and the required one selected. |
Required |
is checked if input for this field is mandatory. If so, records that use this custom field cannot be saved if nothing is input. The setting is not recommended for Task or Assignment entity types if using the Microsoft Project Import or Export feature for data. This entry does not apply to Boolean data types where there is a default input of No. |
Include on Column Chooser |
indicates that the custom field will be listed as one to include on tabular lists. |
Include in Filters |
indicates, if checked, that the custom field is to be used when searching for data. In this case, when creating or editing a filter for a search, you can choose to search for particular contents of the custom field. This may be more appropriate if fixed keywords are used, rather than free-format input where the content is less predictable. |
Maximum Length |
prevents any input exceeding this length so that space is not taken up unnecessarily on screens and reports. This restriction includes keywords that you may have specified previously. For project, activity, resource and client data types the entry is fixed to the length of those codes. In other cases it defaults to 70 but you can change it to a lower value. |
Display Width |
defaults to the maximum length but can be changed to a lower value for display purposes. If this is set lower than the actual field length, all data may not be shown. |
Display Rows |
applies to text entries only. In these cases, if there may be a lot of text, indicate the maximum number of rows to allow. The length of each row is the specified display size. |
Field Type |
which can be: § Normal if the user is allowed to change the contents of a custom field. § Read Only if no change is permitted (you may want the default value to be fixed, particularly if it is a built-in function that derives a value) § Read Only on Amend allows change to the value until the record is saved; then it becomes fixed § Read Only when Populated indicates the user can input to an empty field but not if it contains a value § Calculated if the value of this field is calculated from values of other fields. If so, click § Measure performs a calculation and is defined by your system supplier but can be selected here if available. It is only available for certain entities (such as Project, Resource and Forecast).
Decimal Places |
only applies for Float data types and for Calculated and Measure field types so you can indicate the number of decimal places to be displayed. |
Display Thousands Separator |
for Float data types, indicates if commas are to be inserted as separators. |
Custom Definition Package |
applies to custom fields with a Data Type of Activity, Client, Department, Project, Resource or Role, which may have additional SQL defined by your system supplier. This may be used, for example, to select any specific agencies for a client or only select particular project levels. You cannot view the SQL within the application. Instead, click Choose File to locate the definition package and then upload the details. The associated description will be displayed in the application on the Custom Fields edit screen. |
Default Value |
may indicate the normal input that is to apply. Anything that you enter must be valid for the data type (correct date format, actual keyword, etc.). For a Boolean data type, you must select from a drop-down list. A default value is not permitted for a Document type. When a default value applies, indicate if it is to be used in any records copied from this one. |
Portfolio Total |
applies only to numeric fields. Indicate if the field value is to be summed or averaged on the Scenario View for Portfolio Analysis. |
Guidance Notes |
Enter text that describes the purpose of the custom field and what it represents. When the custom field is input, |
Options |
only applies for custom fields with a Deliverable type. In these cases, check: § Editable if Completed or Dropped if the value can only be changed when no longer active § Triggers Audit when Changed if amendments are to be audited. |
Controlled |
specifies whether Users can see and amend the field, based on settings in their Login Profile. |
Integration |
Set for fields that are only to be updated by the API. Allows non-check out API updates and prevents user changes. |
Protected | Set to ensure critical fields are not inadvertently deleted, e.g. for measures or custom reports. Set the associated Reason. |