You can manually enter the code for each new project or can, through this option, choose to have codes allocated automatically in sequence.
•Use Automated Project Code and then specify the:
o prefix for each code or choose the Master Project Code token
o Start Number, which will be incremented for each new project
o Pad To as the length of the numeric part of the code (excluding the prefix).
•Only Enforce Required Fields on Status Change applies to non-mandatory system fields on the Project Type that are marked as ‘Required’. If the setting is unchecked, all required fields must be entered before a record can be saved. If it is checked, however, only mandatory system fields have to be present for a save and other ‘Required’ fields are only essential when a project progresses to a new status (but not if it reverts to a previous status).
This means that new and changed project data can be entered when it is identified rather than all having to be available for input at the same time. A different colored asterisk is used to differentiate between the two types of required fields when the setting is enabled.