All the checkbox settings determine the restriction defaults that apply when creating the indicated records. You can specify defaults for each type of record by checking and unchecking the boxes as required. For example, if all boxes are checked under the ‘Project’ heading, this indicates that it is normal for all resources, activities and expense types to be available when setting up a project.
If a box is checked for a record, this means that all entries of that type can be selected when creating the record; for example, all available resources may be assigned to an activity.
If you wish to apply restrictions for a record, uncheck the relevant box. All entries of that type will be classed as unavailable by default and must be specifically selected for a record. Thus, it will be necessary to actually define those resources that are to work on a project rather than having all available by default.
NOTE: If a particular restriction applies, it is logical to enforce it each way. Thus, if you restrict the resources that can apply for projects, you should similarly restrict the projects that can be applied to resources. |
The ‘Own Resource Restrictions’ entries apply to the “Projects” and “My Activities” options. They determine:
•the number of weeks that projects and activities need to be unused before they are suggested for removal from lists for a login’s resource
•the number of months forward that assigned projects are to be considered when deciding the ones to be listed against the login’s resource.
Change the numbers if lists are too long or inappropriate suggestions are made.