Use this option to schedule:
•the calculation of strategic planning actual values at set times. This updates the values with the latest timesheet and expense data, ensuring strategic planning information is up-to-date.
•the update of actuals for all projects so that they can be viewed by task; this avoids the need to update actuals manually for each project through Project Review and ensures values are reported consistently.
•the updating or archiving of measures that calculate values using SQL routines and are specific types of custom field.
• Project Snapshots which can be weekly or monthly.
Selecting Scheduled Jobs from Configuration will list any jobs that are currently scheduled, showing when last run and the outcome:
Click to refresh the list of jobs and
to run immediately a selected job.
Check the box for a job that is no longer needed then click Delete or click Add to select other jobs to run:
Choose the required job, check the days it is to run and set the required time. Then click Add to include it as a scheduled job.