Time & Expense Settings
Here you can set the rules for time and expense entries.
•Time Entry Format applies for the input of timesheets.
•Decimal/HH:MM only apply when start and finish times are not used. In this case, indicate if time is normally entered as hours and decimals or hours and minutes.
•Show Expected Hours indicates if the number of hours employees are expected to enter is to be displayed. This is set through their resource’s working time and should be input before they can submit a timesheet.
•Approval Reference is Mandatory determines if a reference is necessary when approving time. This is automatically set to the approver’s user code and can be cleared if not mandatory, otherwise must be retained or replaced.
•Enable Timesheet Disapprove Reason indicates that a reason can be recorded whenever a timesheet is disapproved. If set, also determine if input of a reason is mandatory.
• Default to Task Activity the timesheet Activity field is automatically populated with the task activity when recording time against Tasks or Assignments.
- Maximum Hours Per Day refers to the maximum number of hours to be worked in a single day.
- Limit the number of hours that can be booked to a single day enables the box below to enter the number of Maximum Hours Per Day.
- Update all existing Resource Entry Settings is to be selected to update all existing Resource records and restrict their maximum hours per day. If the ‘Update all existing Resource Entry Settings’ check box is checked prior to saving, then all Resources currently in the system and all Resources created in the future will be limited to entering a maximum of the predefined number of hours per day once the settings are saved.
- Restrict Dates for New Time and Expense Entries If both boxes are unchecked, there is no general time restriction on timesheet and expense entries. This can result in incorrect or unrealistic dates being entered. It is possible, however, to set specific start and end dates for input to particular projects.
If you set either check box on, you can then determine the number of weeks before and after the current week that input is allowed. Any entries with dates outside these periods are not permitted.
Checking Update All Existing Login’s Entry Settings will cause the changes to be applied to all existing users as well as being used as defaults for new users. You may do this if you have altered the rules that apply generally to all users. In this case, you may then need to modify individual records where different rules are to apply.
•Timesheet Submissions applies if weekly submission of timesheets for approval is permitted. If so, check Enabled to allow this and then:
o check Auditing Enabled if a copy of all timesheet entries is transferred to an audit table should a submission be rejected or locked. This action will require a script to be developed by your system supplier.
o enter a Reference Prefix and Start Number to be used to identify timesheet submissions.
o check Enforce Expected Hours if employees have to enter at least the expected number of hours set through their resource’s working time before they can submit a timesheet.
o enter the Maximum Timesheet Submissions as more than one if multiple submissions are allowed in a week. In this case, enforcing expected hours is not possible.
•Automatic Timesheet Approval are defaults used when creating a resource and indicate if timesheets, once entered through Timesheets, should be classed as approved and if editing of approved records is allowed.
Timesheets must be approved before they can be invoiced and, whether approval is automatic or not, this status can be changed before invoicing, providing update is allowed.
NOTE: Where automatic approval is: checked, the corresponding edit box should be also. If not, the timesheet or expense entry will be ‘locked’ immediately it is saved, preventing amendment or deletion of the record.
- Expense Claims applies if weekly submission of expenses for approval is permitted. If so, check Enabled to allow this and then:
- Claim Number Prefix/Start Number apply to expense claims that are submitted. All claims are numbered sequentially starting from the number you enter here, and each number may optionally have a prefix applied.
- Display Category Filter when Creating Expense Claims is checked if users are normally to filter expenses by category when creating a claim. If the box is unchecked, all available expenses are listed, irrespective of their category.
- Claim Non-Refundable Expenses enables expenses that are not to be repaid to employees to be submitted and approved for completeness of recording against projects.
- Automatic Expense Approval works in a similar way to Automatic Timesheet Approval, setting the defaults for new Resources that can be overridden on the Resource record as appropriate.