Each workflow may have a number of statuses and associated status movements that take the workflow on to the next status. Each workflow starts with an initial status movement — the creation event that takes the workflow to the first status. Every status can then have one or more status movements that move to another status that is either after or before the current one.
When first created, each workflow has a ‘New’ status preceded by a ‘New’ status movement as the creation event. You can change these entries and can add others to create the workflow.
Click Add Status to create another status with a unique name:
This is added to the end of the list without a status movement.
For an existing status, click:
•its name to change to another unique name
• or
to move the status one place in the list in the indicated direction. The first status cannot be moved.
• and then:
o Edit to change the status name
o Add Sub-Status to create a sub-status within the current status:
You can add several sub-statuses for every status and then create movements for each one. You can also Edit a sub-status to change its name or choose Delete to clear a sub-status.
Sub-statuses are generally intended to allow approval to be given before moving on to the next stage. Consequently, movement will generally be from the status to a sub-status, then to the next status.
o Delete to clear the status, unless it is the first one for the workflow. If any projects have this status set, you must first choose a new status for these projects: