Input is to tabbed forms. You can select each one in turn to create and amend budget values, expected benefits and planned demand and expenditure for the forecast. Each tab will identify the project covered and indicate the level that is being edited (such as project or program).
At any of these forms, enter or select:
•Project to identify the one for which the forecast is created
•Name provides a name for the forecast and describes its purpose
•Status will normally be Unapproved when you create a forecast and it is in draft form. You may subsequently change this to Approved, either here or at the forecast list, so that it becomes the live version, or can choose another status (those available are settable through Configuration processing).
•Private is checked if the forecast is not to be viewed by others. Forecasts with this status can only exist as unapproved versions and you must uncheck the box to approve them.
•Currency applies to multi-currency systems so you can choose the currency for the forecast.
•Demand Status appears at the Demand tab when demand status is enabled. If so, the status can be provisional or may be confirmed until the project end date or a selected earlier date.
•Working Time only applies at the Budget tab and determines the currency to be used as well as the calendar on which the calculation of the full time equivalent (FTE) value for days is based.
Processing at each of these forms is similar, with input being against selected periods and to a series of rows. All columns show similar information and settings are available so that you can determine what is displayed for input.