The available toolbar actions will depend on whether the task plan version is checked out for editing or not. Certain of them are also selected by right clicking at the task list, Gantt chart or the assignment list.
If screen space is limited, the toolbar actions may be organized by group heading and individual entries accessible by clicking a down arrow. For each one, click:
• only applies if multiple versions of a plan are allowed (through Planning Settings). If so, click to create a further version with the next sequential number; this will be a draft plan until you publish it. You must enter a new description and can change details of the new plan.
• lists all plan versions if several are available:
The active plan version is shown bold. Click:
o Select against another version to display it instead
o Copy creates a further version of this plan with the next available number and a description you enter
o Publish if draft status to make it the published version (the previous published version reverts to draft status)
o Delete to delete draft versions after checking their box.
• compares the current plan version to another that you select and lets you output as a printed report or as an Excel or PDF file:
• and
to check out and back in again. New task plans are checked in by default and so initially are view-only but you can check them out for editing. This exposes full editing actions on the toolbar but marks the plan as checked out so no-one else can edit it. Check the project back in (
) after making and saving your changes so it is then available to others again.
If the plan is already checked out by another person when you try to check it out, it will normally be shown in view-only mode. If you choose to open for editing, any changes made by the other user will be lost.
expand and collapse the tasks. This applies when a structure of tasks and sub-tasks has been created by indenting tasks within others and tasks are shown expanded by default. Summary tasks are identified by having the same expand and collapse icons against them and can be expanded and collapsed separately by clicking these icons to shows or hide all sub-tasks.
• to save your changes, which you will also be prompted to do if you try to exit the view without saving. You will be notified of any inconsistencies in your data; these may be:
o warnings that do not prevent the plan being saved but require attention; for example, a deliverable’s delivery date may be set earlier than the task’s finish date and so can be changed to later if required
o errors that require correction to one or more tasks or assignments before the plan can be saved; these can include such things as mandatory fields not being entered.
• removes any changes made since the last save
• to copy a plan from another project
• to import a plan from Microsoft Project
• exports the plan to Microsoft Project
• runs the Export Manager to provide details of plans that are currently being or have been exported for use in Microsoft Project
• prints the plan with specified columns and print options
• to add a row at the end of the list or above or below the selected task for the project.
• deletes selected tasks (check the box to select)
•Scroll To Task (right-click action only) to reposition the Gantt chart at the selected task.
•Clear Task Constraints (right-click action only) removes all constraints from a task
•Remove Task Dependencies (right-click action only) clears all dependencies from a task
• to outdent or indent the selected task to create a hierarchical structure. Indenting a task within another task effectively makes it a sub-task of the preceding task.
•Edit Task (right-click action or by double-clicking the task at the Gantt chart) to modify the task
•Add Assignment (right-click action only) to add an assignment for the current task by creating a blank row at the assignment panel.
• moves a number of tasks you have selected:
Here you can choose to:
o Delay or Bring Forward the task by the specified number of working days
o Change Start/End Date, with the other date altered in line with the current duration
o Change Duration of the task, which will alter the end date accordingly.
Changing the start date creates a ‘Start No Earlier’ constraint for the tasks while a change to the end date creates a ‘Must Finish On’ constraint.
•Create Recurring Tasks (right-click action only) is only available if the selected task has no dependencies (either predecessors or successors) and is not a summary task. If so, you can create several repeating tasks for the current one: Indicate when the task is to start and end, and when it is to occur.
• (right-click action only) to view posts against the task
• (Copy/Paste) to paste selected tasks elsewhere.
• (Bulk Edit Tasks) updates specified attributes for one or more tasks you have selected
• (Find & Replace) to replace specified data for selected tasks:
You can add several fields, including Custom Fields, and replace specified content with new content. In the case of descriptive fields, this may involve replacing only part of the text.
• (Map Role Assignments) may be processed if assignments in the project plan have roles assigned rather than actual resources so that you can replace them with suitable resources or with alternative roles.
• (Generate Forecast Data) creates a demand forecast providing you have permission to access forecasts.
• (Assign Supplied Resources) is only available if Combined Resourcing is enabled and one or more resources have been supplied to the project. If so, use it to assign resources.
• (Reschedule Assignments) is only available if the Assignment Period Restriction is either ‘Lock Within Task’ or ‘Unrestricted’.
Clicking the button once turns it on ( ) and again turns it off (
While turned on, any changes to a task’s start date (although not its end date) will cause any assignments for the task to be moved in line with the new start date. If turned off, no changes to assignments will be made when a task’s start date is altered.
Should the change to the start date cause any assignments to become outside the task’s date range, a warning ( ) appears on the task’s row. You can still save the plan if its Assignment Period Restriction is ‘Unrestricted’ but must first correct the assignment dates (either manually or by clicking the Correct Assignment Dates button —next) if ‘Lock Within Task’.
• (Correct Assignment Dates) is processed for selected tasks that have assignments with dates outside the task’s dates (indicated by
). The dates will be automatically corrected so they conform and, if beyond the task’s end date, it will be reduced to fit.
• to configure the plan:
o Plan Start Date is selected from the calendar to change the start date of the plan. This will normally be set as the current date when the plan was created or may have been imported from Microsoft Project.
o Reset Configuration to reset the view to the default columns and column widths after altering them and to the original position of the rows if they have been dragged to a different location.
• to show or hide the deliverables on the Gantt chart. These appear as a
symbol and you can double-click one or select the Open Deliverable right-click action to edit the deliverable. You can associate deliverables with tasks using Task Edit.
•Open Deliverable (right-click action or by double-clicking a task with a deliverable on the Gantt chart) applies if a deliverable is set for a task and opens it for editing
• to change the magnification of the Gantt chart section of the plan. You can also do this by right-clicking on the Gantt chart date headings.
• shows the critical path on the Gantt chart:
This identifies the tasks that cannot be moved so you can focus on the time critical elements of the project. Click the button again to revert to the previous display.
The critical path will be shown:
o red for those tasks that are not yet started (0% complete)
o green or amber for partially completed tasks, the completed element being green and the rest amber.
Any tasks that are not part of the critical path are colored blue.
•Days/Hours determines the time unit to use for planning and can only be altered if all plan changes are saved. The setting applies only to you and will be retained when you next log on.
• for published plans only, to review the project’s status
• to schedule assigned resources for the project.
• displays a search bar that you can use to find tasks and the resources assigned to them