Here you can look at and update the current status of a selected project. You can indicate when projects are running behind schedule or over budget.
The current project’s tasks are listed, showing details of those that start or end during the indicated period together with totals of planned, actual and remaining days.
Only user-created tasks appear, not those that are system-generated for direct scheduling. Tasks with multiple levels will have their parent tasks displayed.
You can change the displayed data by choosing Filter settings to alter the selections or to change the columns. Also choose:
•Resource Plan to view the plan for the current project .
•Check In/Out to check out and back in again. Project details are initially view-only but you can check them out so you can change them. This makes other actions available but marks the plan as checked out so no-one else can access it. Check the project back in after making and saving your changes so it is then available to others again.
•Complete to set ‘Percent Complete’ to 100 for all tasks with the box checked, providing this is not automatic for the project when all assignments are complete.. This will not mark all the task’s assignments as complete if not already set as 100%. You must do this separately.
•Provisional/Confirm to set selected tasks to provisional or confirmed status. Before a task can be made provisional, all its assignments must be provisional. The status does not restrict the way a task is processed although confirmed indicates the task is going ahead.
If Combined Resourcing is enabled, you cannot confirm tasks using the Project Review screen; use the Task Plan instead.
•Update Project Actuals to ensure that up-to-date time is recorded for all tasks with the box ticked or all tasks for the project. This ensures the latest times are available for enquiries and reports. You can also use a scheduled job to ensure this occurs automatically at set times.
For each listed task, you can click:
• to expand the task and show its sub-tasks or assignments, then to hide them. You can also click above the list for all tasks.
•a task name to view its details
•an assignment’s name to edit the assignment details. If Combined Resourcing is enabled, you cannot amend the resource details on the Project Review screen; use the Task Plan instead.
• and then:
o Open to view the task
o Edit to alter a task’s name or enter a % Complete value for any task, providing this is not automatic for the project when all assignments are complete.
o Add Post/View Post to share information with selected resources by entering appropriate information and viewing existing details .
o Add Assignment to create a new assignment for the task.