Selection of an existing filter will display the filter fields on the right hand panel so you can undertake the search. Each is performed automatically based on the immediate search screen system settings.
Refer to Searching and Filters for a description of processing here.
For each data type, you can Add further records, Export displayed data in Excel format and Delete selected entries. You can also Create Data Templates (based on selected records) and Export Data from a selected template.
For each row, you can click then (depending on data type and permissions):
•Open to amend the record
•Edit to amend the row contents
•Clone to create a record based on the current one
•Code Converter to change the code of the record if it is incorrect. All affected records will be updated
•Delete to clear the record
Standard search filters and related processing are as follows:
•Action Types to record actions for clients
•Action Views to define groups of action types
•Activities for the types of work undertaken by resources
•Assignments to add or amend assignments for particular projects and resources. For each listed one, click:
o the Project code to access the Projects Home page
o the assignment Description to edit the assignment
You can also choose:
o Revert to Role to revert the assignments to role-based using the resource’s role and removing the assignment from each resource
o Reassign to reassign the assignments to another resource or to a role so that it can subsequently be reassigned to a resource.
•Benefit Actuals to add or amend benefit amounts actually achieved for project
Click Add to create a benefit amount or, for each listed one, click:
o the Project code to access the Projects Home page
- Edit to amend the amount or date
- Open to amend the assignment
- Delete to clear the entry.
Adding and Amending Benefit Actuals
Enter or select the:
o Date of the savings
o Project to which it applies
o Benefit, which must be set up as a forecast for the project
o Currency, if a multi-currency system
o Amount of the benefit.
•Benefit Types to define those benefits resulting from project delivery
•Billing Price Lists to access those available for invoice pricing
•Categories for processing expense claims
•Change Requests to access requested changes for a project
•Charges to set the rates charged to clients for work
•Claims to view and amend expense claims
•Client Groups to define groups into which clients are organized
•Clients to access those for whom work is done
•Communicate to view communications relating to projects
•Contacts to determine contact details for particular clients
•Cost Centers for those against which costs and charges are recorded
•Costs for internal charge rates for time worked
•Currencies to define different currencies for multi-currency operations
•Deliverable Types to set particular stages and targets for projects
•Deliverables accesses and updates milestones for specific projects
•Departments identifies those for which resources work
•Expense Types to categorize particular types of expenses to be charged and repaid
•Expenses to view recorded expenses and, when not approved, amend them. You can also select one or more listed expenses and choose to Delete them or, depending on their status, Approve, Unapprove, or Disapprove them.
•Forecasts to set versions of projects to record budgets and planned data
•Invoices to access those raised for contracts and, if not authorized, to amend them
•Issues to maintain specified issues that may arise for a project
•Locations to define locations assigned to resources and projects, and used for planning
•Login Groups to determine members of groups and what they can do
•Login Profiles to define processing rules for certain users
•Logins to specify individual system users
•Mitigation Plan Item Types to determine ways of alleviating or preventing project risks
•Nominal Codes to provide financial analysis of costs and charges
•Project Lifecycles to define project stages
•Project Snapshots if enabled through Strategic Planning settings and permitted through your Login Profile. If so, existing snapshots are listed so you can select them and add others:
o Project determines, when adding, the project for which the snapshot is to be taken. Only those at the level specified in Strategic Planning settings are listed and you can enter the first characters of the name to reduce the list.
o Name provides a description to identify the snapshot
o Type can be Interim or Baseline so that snapshots of a particular type can be selected for reporting.
When you save your changes, data from the selected project’s child projects is recorded, including custom fields, deliverables and forecasts.
•Projects to maintain project details.
For this data type, in addition to other actions, you can select Move if set through Strategic Planning settings and for those users who have administration permissions for projects though their Login Profile. Use it to adjust the start date of a selected project along with associated forecast, deliverable and supply data:
Enter the new start date and click Move. This will also cause the following data to be automatically adjusted:
— the end date (if set)
— live and unapproved forecasts (but not former live or baselines)
— deliverables
— supply (if auto-supply is being used (set through the Strategic Planning Views tab and Login permissions allow.
Moving a start date and associated data is only allowed if:
o the project is level 1
o the new start date is after the current date
o there is no forecast, deliverable or supply data before the project start date
o the project does not only have a baselined live forecast (as this should not be changed)
o there must not be any actual time, expenses or confirmed deliverables recorded.
•Reports to specify and output reports
•Resources to identify people and objects available for project work
•Risks to maintain specific risks that may occur for a project
•Roles to define those that may be used to schedule project work and assign resources
•Security Groups to restrict logins to particular resources, projects and clients
•Skills to determine those available for resources and required for projects
•Status Reporting to progress those reports defined for projects
•Tasks to access project tasks
•Timesheets displays existing timesheets so you can maintain and approve them, and add others
•Working Times to define areas or workers that have different working practices.