Account Contact |
shows the person selected at the Contacts as the one to be contacted about invoices. You can select a different contact from the drop-down list. If so, the change also applies on the Contacts form. |
Account Code |
may be a code that is currently recorded on the Sales Ledger or elsewhere to identify the client. If entered, it is printed on invoices produced for the client. |
Tax Number |
Is the official reference for a VAT-registered client. |
Charge Output Tax to this Client |
is checked for most clients so that they are charged VAT on invoiced amounts. It will be unchecked for internal or export clients who are charged at zero rate. |
Use/ Override System VAT Rate |
only apply if you have chosen to charge Tax to the client. If so, this will normally be at the standard rate (set through Billing Settings , although you can select to override this and enter a different rate to be used for this client only. |
Payment Terms |
are printed on the invoice to indicate when payment is due. Default terms are specified through Billing Settings but you can set different terms for this client. You can input multiple lines of free-format text. |
Currency |
only applies if QuickBooks Integration and multi-currency are enabled. If so, specify the currency to apply for the client. This will automatically be applied to any jobs created in QuickBooks and to billing contracts created here. If no currency is specified, the system currency is used instead. |