Code |
is the unique identifier for the expense type. You will enter an unused code when adding a record and then cannot change the code once it is saved. |
Name |
provides a title for the expense type to identify its purpose. |
Active |
is checked for those expense types that are in use. You can uncheck the box if you want to make an expense type unavailable without deleting it (you will not be able to delete it if it is referenced by other records). It is also possible to set up expense types in advance of them being needed and so make them inactive initially. You should set all non-current records to inactive status to prevent them being used. This removes these expense types from pick lists so that users only see those that are genuinely available. |
Type |
will be Non Unit Based if expenses of this type are to be input as amounts or Unit Based if units are to be input for usage of this expense type. For example, you may have set rates for items such as mileage and photocopies, and so will enter numbers rather than amounts for expenses. In these cases, you must provide further information about the units. |
Fixed Currency |
applies for non-unit based expenses and indicates if the currency is fixed for each entry (if so, you must specify the one to use) or may be input for each expense entry. |
Currency |
only applies for multi-currency operations. The system currency is set as the default but you can enter or select the code of a different currency for this type of expense. |
Cost per |
is the cost paid, in the indicated currency, for each indicated quantity of this expense type (for example, the rate per mile). This will be multiplied by the number of units to determine the total cost. |
Gross/Net |
determines, depending on the option box selected, whether the unit cost includes or excludes VAT (or some other sales tax). |
Unit Label |
sets the singular and plural terms to describe each unit of measure (such as mile/miles, copy/copies). |
Expense Cost VAT Rate |
defaults to ‘Use System VAT Rate’ so that the standard rate set through Billing Settings applies. However, you can change this to ‘Override System VAT Rate’ if, for example, it is an item that is exempt from VAT or any sales tax. If you choose to override the rate, you must enter the percentage rate to use instead. This can be zero when no tax is charged. |
Multiply expense charge on by |
is a factor to be applied to the cost in order to determine the amount to charge to clients. Thus, for example, 0 indicates no charge, 1 is a recharge at cost, while 2 represents a one hundred percent uplift. Calculated charges can be overridden for individual expense entries. |
Allow Receipt |
is checked if receipts can be attached directly to the related expense item. |
Reimbursable Default Value |
determines if expenses of this type are reimbursable. All expenses that have this type will have the same setting by default but can be changed. |