All planning is based on a project and all time and expenses are booked to specific projects. Therefore, a project must be created for each distinct block of work that is undertaken, whether chargeable or not.
The project is the main entity for planning and control. All other business entity records are linked to projects, either directly or via other business entities
If you have activated project workflows, content will vary to that input for projects with project lifecycles. In these cases:
•each project is based on a project type that determines its content and how it is processed
•additional actions are available
•the General tab has variable content and format, depending on the project type
•most of the tabs are optional and defined for the project type
•additional processing Is available, depending on each project’s features and status
•certain tabs are selected via a configuration action rather than being shown alongside transactional tabs.
Select Projects from the Business Entities section of Administration and a search screen appears. You can then change the search (as described at Searching and Filters to list different records:
•Add to create.
•Add Template to create a template record that can be used as a basis for new projects. This will have typical features and so avoid repetition when setting up projects. You can only access this feature if permitted by your login profile.
•Export to save the displayed data in Excel format.
•Create Data Template to add a record with spreadsheet format that defines the data to be used to import data
•Import Data to import and load project data from a spreadsheet template file.
•Change Project Type for one or more selected projects of the same type:
Select the New Project Type to replace the existing one. If the types have different workflows, choose the status on the new workflow that equates to the one on the current workflow so there is accurate conversion between the two.
Since the new and old project types will have different formats, you may need to import data to recreate the project record.
Change the details shown for listed projects by clicking and then selecting the columns to include or reverting to the default display.
For a listed project, you can click:
•Project name to view details within Projects.
•Client name to amend the client record.
• then:
Edit |
to make changes within the list. |
Open |
to edit the project. |
Clone |
creates a project at the same level as the selected one, so that it has the same parent and general details. You must specify a code for this entry and can change other details. |
Add Child Project |
only appears for projects above the lowest level and if the generation of child projects is allowed (set by the Administrator). It creates a project as a sub-project of the selected one. This will have the same project code plus a suffix. You can change any settings from those for the original project. |
Code Converter |
to change the code of the project if it is incorrect. All affected records will be updated. |
Add Post |
to start a new post. |
View Posts |
to list existing posts for the project (so you can add comments or create others. |
Delete |
to delete the project, after confirmation, providing it is not in use. If so, you have the option to delete all associated tasks and assignments. Choosing not to do this will prevent the project being deleted since an active relationship with another entity will exist. Deletion is also prevented if other records, such as timesheets and expenses, reference the project. However, you can make the project inactive. |
Move ( |
for workflow projects that have reached a particular status, the option to move to another status. The action shown depends on the status movement and there may be more than one to allow various routes through the workflow depending on the situation. Clicking the action will change the project’s status and then show the actions relevant to that status. |