Code |
is the unique identifier for the project. You will enter an unused code when adding a record and then cannot change the code once it is saved. |
Name |
provides additional information about a project to identify its purpose. |
Active |
is checked for those projects that are in use. You can uncheck the box if you want to make a project unavailable without deleting it (you will not be able to delete it if it is referenced by other records). It is also possible to set up projects in advance of them being needed and so make them inactive initially. You should set all non-current records to inactive status to prevent them being used. This removes these projects from pick lists so that users only see those that are genuinely available. |
If you make a project inactive, you are prompted to remove any future supply or assignments if applicable. |
Template |
indicates, if checked, that the record is used as a template to set up other projects rather than an actual project. You can therefore create the project with typical features, including expected deliverables, and then use it to clone actual project records. No fields are mandatory other than the project code when saving a project template. |
Project templates are available through the New Project Wizard. You can therefore indicate what is undertaken when creating a project using the wizard. Where records are to be copied and used, the numbers available are shown. |
Client |
identifies the client for whom the work is being undertaken. Input of a client code is mandatory for each project at level 1, even for those that are not to be charged. In these cases, the ‘client’ may be an internal department or branch of your company. For chargeable projects, the client record will provide the invoice address and other required details. |
Working Time |
identifies the area in which the project is to be undertaken and so determines the available time for staff there. This cannot be changed once the project is saved. |
Project Level |
indicates the level within the overall project structure (if determined through Project Level Settings. You can set this level when adding a project but cannot subsequently change it. Timesheets and expenses can only be input at the lowest level. |
Parent |
only appears if the selected level is not at the top of the structure. If so, enter or select the name of the project above it. |
Location |
identifies the geographical or other location where the work is to be undertaken. Resources at the same location are generally allocated when budgeting and planning the project. Input is mandatory. |
Department |
is used mainly for reports and is the department for which the project is undertaken. This only appears if set through Project Settings . |
Cost Center |
appears if set on through Project Settings to select the cost center against which costs and charges are recorded. |
Business as Usual |
indicates if the project is a Business as Usual project. |
Productive |
determines if the project is productive. |
Manager |
is the person who is managing the project and the label will indicate the level (project, program, etc.). Select a login. |
Sponsor |
may only be relevant if you have a large organization where each project has a key sponsor who sanctions it and is interested in its progress. If so, select the appropriate resource. Sponsors can see projects they have sponsored through their Organization tabbed form. |
Depending on Project Settings, input of the previous two fields may be mandatory. |
Direct Task Description |
only appears if direct scheduling is enabled (Schedule Appointments at the Planning tab) so you can set a description for the general task that is generated. |
Chargeable |
indicates if invoices are to be raised for work undertaken on the project. Input is to level 1 only. You may check the box in respect of projects for external clients and uncheck it for internal work, including projects used to book holidays and other non-revenue generating activities. |
Start/End Date |
can be used to set fixed start and finish dates for the project. Some projects may be ongoing and will have no dates, while others may be due to end on a certain date but have no fixed start, or may have a scheduled start time but be open-ended. You may enter dates directly, click the arrow buttons to choose entries or select from the system calendar. Refer to Setting Dates if you need more information. |
Restrict Timesheet/ Expense entry to these dates |
applies if you have set start or end dates and is input for level 1 only. If so, check the box to prevent time and expenses being booked to the project outside any dates that are specified. Leave unchecked if the start and end dates are only for guidance and early and late bookings are permitted. |
Allow Posts |
is checked for those projects where collaboration is required and therefore will generally apply to actual projects rather than those set up to record non-productive time such as holidays and training. Collaboration must first be fully activated , allowing threaded discussions on selected topics to then be recorded and viewed. |
Life Cycle |
Indicates the phase of the overall project that this part covers. |