Under normal circumstances, resources are charged to a project using their default charge code (possibly with an adjusted rate, as previously). However, sometimes a resource that is allocated to a project may operate in a capacity that is different to their normal one, such as when acting as a temporary project manager. If you need to track the project by roles while charging the appropriate rate for the job, change the resource’s default charge codes to others to be used for this project only.
When no overrides are set, the list will be blank. To specify an override, click the Add button and then enter details as prompted:
Resource |
identify the appropriate resource by entering the code or clicking Select and choosing from a list |
Overtime |
select the charge code to override. If you want to override both the standard and overtime rates, add a separate record for each one. |
Override Charge |
enter or select the code of the charge rate to use instead of the normal one. This must be a standard or an overtime rate in line with the previous entry |
When existing overrides are listed, you can click Delete Selected to remove a selected override and so revert to the normal charge code for the resource.