Name |
is the description of the resource, usually their name. |
Code |
is the unique identifier for the resource. You will enter a code for a new record but cannot change it once it is saved. |
Resource Type |
to identify the type of resource. This may be: •Contractor — contract staff who are employed through an agency for a fixed period •Employee — someone who is on the company’s payroll or a piece of equipment that is owned by the company. |
Active |
is checked by default for a new record and indicates that it is in use. Uncheck the box to make it unavailable for selection. You cannot delete a resource that has existing assignments but can make the record inactive. This removes it from pick lists so that it cannot be selected. |
Template |
indicates, if checked, that the record is used as a template to set up other resources rather than an actual resource. You can therefore create the resource with typical features and then use it to clone actual resource records. No fields are mandatory other than the resource code when saving a resource template. |
Team |
indicates the team for which the resource works. You must enter or select a valid code. |
Primary Role |
denotes the resource’s main role although others may be adopted. |
Location |
identifies the geographical or other location where the resource is based. Resources are generally allocated to projects at the same location. Input is mandatory. |
Working Time |
indicates the resource’s general operational area and is required for tabbed forms. This will determine the normal available hours in a period and other local details. |
Agency |
applies only if the resource is a contractor and indicates the agency the contractor normally works for. Enter its code or click Select to locate the record. |
Cost Center |
is the cost center to which the resource belongs. Input or select its code. |
Line Manager |
identifies the person to whom the resource reports. |
Email Address |
is the main email address of the resource. |
Telephone |
is the resource’s telephone number. |
Join/Leave Date |
are used in planning. The resource is not considered for assignments in a given period if recorded as not started or as having left. |
Productive Capacity (%) |
is the percentage of the resource’s capacity that is available for productive work. |
Chargeable Utilisation Target (%) |
indicates the percentage of the resource’s utilized time that should be for chargeable work. If not set here, the default percentage applies instead. |
Notification Language |
sets the language to be used when notifications and alerts apply. Email notifications go to the address recorded for the resource. |
Notes |
provides a free-format text area so that you can enter relevant comments about the resource. |
Licensed For |
Shows the customer's KeyedIn Edition. Alternative fields may be shown where customers joined KeyedIn prior to the release of Editions in April 2021. |
Resource Picture |
optionally provides an image for the resource. Click Upload Document if one is available. |