Here you can indicate the normal settings for the resource. These will apply as defaults when the resource is processed but other selections can be made.
Default Project/ Activity/ Expense Type |
are optional entries but, when specified, the values are automatically selected when entering timesheets and expenses. Enter a required default code or click |
Currency/ |
are only available for multi-currency operations. The default currency is optional and is the currency available by default when adding timesheet and expense entries. The payment currency is required and is displayed on invoices. |
Timesheet/ Expense/ Skills Approval |
indicate if timesheets, expenses and skills, once entered for this resource, should be classed as approved and if editing approved timesheets and expenses is allowed. Default settings are made through Administration processing and apply here for new resources although you can change them. Timesheets and expenses must be approved before they can be invoiced and, whether approval is automatic or not, this status can be changed before invoicing, providing update is allowed. |
Limit Hours Per Day |
Check the box to restrict the hours the resource can book in a day to the maximum number entered (non-zero) and indicate if this includes all hours or only standard hours that exclude overtime. |