Name |
is the description of the role. |
Code |
is the unique identifier for the role. You will enter a code for a new record but cannot change it once it is saved. |
Active |
is checked by default for a new record and indicates that it is in use. Uncheck the box to make it unavailable for selection. You cannot delete a role that has resources assigned but can make the record inactive. This removes it from pick lists so that it cannot be selected. |
Template |
indicates, if checked, that the record is used as a template to set up other roles rather than an actual role. You can therefore create the role with typical features and then use it to clone actual role records. No fields are mandatory other than the role code when saving a role template. |
Team |
optionally indicates the team to which the role normally applies. |
Location |
identifies the geographical or other location where the role is normally based. Roles are generally specified for projects at the same location so that resources that are also based there are assigned subsequently. Input is mandatory. |
Working Time |
indicates the usual operational area for the role and is a required entry. This will determine the normal available hours in a period and other local details. |
Cost Center |
may be entered as the cost center that normally applies for this role. |
Notes |
provides a free-format text area so that you can enter relevant comments about the role. |